Dreaming of TEETH – what does it mean
– TEETH dream meaning –
Dreaming about teeth can be associated with some repressed thoughts or fears. Just as teeth are a hidden part of us, so dreams often represent hidden emotions or aspirations.
Dreaming about beautiful teeth suggests being surrounded by loyal and good people.
Dreaming of teeth falling out suggests loneliness, and worse relationships with people around. To dream that only one tooth has fallen out symbolizes problems with only one person in the environment.
Everyone feels lonely from time to time. No matter how strong support from other people usually have, loneliness is a feeling that no one is immune to. Loneliness may seem sad or uncomfortable at first glance, but it is a call for people to dedicate themselves, to look deeper into themselves and look for new ways to make their lives happier. Loneliness should not be left in a negative sense, but everyone sometimes needs to be alone and need time for themselves, so that they can penetrate their interior as well as possible.
On the other hand, dreaming of decaying or bad teeth is a sign of solving problems and burdens that a person is dealing with.
Dreaming of leftover food between your teeth suggests business or financial problems and even possible job loss.
Dreaming of tooth extraction is often a sign that something needs to be resolved but although this is obvious, there is a delay. Areas of life where there is dissatisfaction or where something needs to change need to be considered.
Dreaming of own bad teeth is a sign of a certain anxiety and fears that someone has.
Dreaming of decayed teeth suggests certain problems, and one should be careful in order to react in moderation. If, as with a decayed tooth, you react in time and fix it, the situation can be corrected. But if the problem is ignored, there is a possibility that the tooth will be completely destroyed and that it will hurt more. So the dream suggests a certain situation that can still be corrected but needs to be responded to in time.
Dreaming of dirty teeth is a sign of minor problems that need to be taken care of. Just as dirty teeth require brushing, so sleep suggests that problems can be solved but that action needs to be taken. Dirty teeth should not be allowed to grow into caries and decayed teeth, but should be brushed on time. Thus, real-life situations cannot be delayed by avoiding concrete solutions.
Dreaming of artificial teeth can be a sign of unfair play and that there is regret. Dreaming of artificial teeth can also be a reflection of some lie or misinformation that a person has transmitted or received.
Dreaming of artificial teeth is somewhat about covering up the real condition. People who do not want to show their true face often dream of artificial teeth, which then represent a kind of mask with which to perform towards others.
One of the greatest human fears is that we will lose what we have, and that is what dreams about teeth are about. And while it’s very healthy to take care of ourselves and strive to maintain what we have like health, it’s very unhealthy to constantly worry and fear about something we can’t influence. Dreaming teeth is a kind of reminder that we need to think more about our perspective and the way we look at some things than about actual actions. Fears are actually feelings, they are not real, and very often they are delusion and deception. When we realize this, we will notice how we have more energy and how we can focus our thoughts on the right things. Eg the fear of losing something we possess can be overcome if we realize that this particular thing is not the source of our joy in life. The fear of losing money can be overcome, so that a person understands that what he has he earned and created himself, so that he can do the same thing again.
The dream dictionary is a guide to make it easier to understand dreams, but you must know that it is not your dream that is interpreted, but the symbols that appear in dreams in general. Each of your dreams has a unique meaning just for you depending on the context and all symbols in the dream, and no universal interpretation like in text can be applied. All content in the text is intended only for general information about the symbols and cannot be treated as advice, related to your dreams.
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